Advisory Commissions

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that City Council for the City of Starbuck does hereby designate and approve the following Appointments for 2024:

Acting Mayor                                         Steve Gorder

MN Mayor’s Association                     Gary Swenson

City Attorney – Civil Matters                  Tom Jacobson

                                                                    Swenson Lervick Syverson Trosvig Jacobson Cass, PA

City Attorney – Criminal Prosecution     Neil Nelson

                                                                     Obenland Roth & Nelson Law Offices

City Attorney – Employment Matters         Kristi Hastings/Joshua Heggum

                                                                     Pemberton, Sorlie, Rufer & Kershner PLLP

City Engineer                                                Widseth Smith Nolting; Nick Koos

City Assessor                                             Pope County Assessor

City Auditor                                               Conway, Deuth &Schmiesing, PLLP

Building Official                                             Richard Holt

Data Practices Compliance Official               Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer

Data Practices Responsible Authority            Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer

Emergency Management Director      Mitch Johnsrud, Police Chief

Fire Relief Association                             Gary Swenson (statutory)

                                                                        Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Health Officer                                OPEN  

Licensed Kitchen Manager                     Tiffany Holten

Committee Appointments

Airport Committee and Streets    1. Ted Razink, Committee Member
                                                               2. Tom Beuckens, Committee Member
                                                               3. Mike Erickson, Public Works Supervisor
                                                               4. Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer

 City Beautification &   Forestry Committee                      

                                                              1. Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer
                                                              2. Gary Swenson
                                                              3. Mary Baukol
                                                              4. Vic Vatthauer, City Forester
                                                              5. Ron Feigum

City Beautification Enforcement Sub-Committee (e.g. blight patrol)

                                                              1. Mary Baukol 
                                                              2. Dane Christensen
                                                              3. Mitch Johnsrud, Police Chief
                                                              4. Tiffany Holten, Deputy Clerk
                                                              5. Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer

 Community Center Committee       

                                                              1. Lori Vaadeland
                                                              2. Jan Norby
                                                              3. Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer
                                                              4.  Charleen Drewes, Admin Assistant

 Finance Committee       

                                                               1. Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer          
                                                               2. Gary Swenson, Mayor
                                                               3. Steve Gorder
                                                               4. Tiffany Holten, Deputy Clerk

Park& Recreation Committee           

                                                     1.Dane Christensen
                                                                2. Hobo Park Manager
                                                                3. Mike Erickson, Public Works Supervisor
                                                                4. Steve Gorder
                                                                5. Tiffany Holten, Deputy Clerk

 Personnel Committee                      

                                                                1. Chris Taffe
                                                                2. Gary Swenson

Public Safety/Emergency Preparedness Committee

            1.   Steve Gorder
            2.   Chris Taffe
            3.   Mitch Johnsrud, Police Chief
            4.   Doug Noyes, Fire Chief
            5.   Mike Erickson, PublicWorks Supervisor

   Economic Development Committee   

            1. Gary Swenson,Mayor
            2.  Chris Taffe
            3.  Dan Jahn
            4.  Mary Baukol
            5.  Jon Haavig
            6.  Joan Kerkvliet, Clerk/Treasurer

Water and Sewer Committee       

                                    1. Randy Peterson - Water/Wastewater Supt.                                                                                                                       2. Steve Gorder  
                                    3. Gary Swenson

 Liaison Appointments:

                                     Fire Department               Mayor, Gary Swenson
                                     Chamber of Commerce   Mayor, Gary Swenson
                                     City/School Board             Open
                                     Pope County Coalition     Open
                                     Cable TV                             Mary Baukol

MEETINGS: Regular meetings of the City of Starbuck City Council shall be held on the Second Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Starbuck Community Center. Any regular meeting that falls upon a holiday shall be held on the next following Tuesday at the same time and place. Special meetings shall be called as needed by the Mayor or two Council Members. Emergency meetings may be called by the Mayor or two Council Members in situations that warrant immediate attention and action. All meetings, including special and adjourned meetings, shall be held at Starbuck Community Center, unless the City Council decides otherwise at a prior meeting. Changes in meeting dates, times, and locations will be posted on the door of the City Hall building.

All City Council meetings are subject to the Open Meeting Law and agendas will be posted at City Hall. In cases of emergency meetings, all reasonable attempts will be made to notify Council Members. The Open Meeting Law may not apply in meetings concerning matters of personnel.

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: The official newspaper for the City of Starbuck shall be the Pope County Tribune.


OFFICIAL CITY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION / DEPOSITORY:  Eagle Bank of Starbuck, shall be designated as the official City financial institution / depository. Glenwood State Bank and Lowry State Bank as additional depositories.

The following shall be authorized agents to endorse checks, sign orders for payment of money and complete other transactions at the official City depository: Mayor: Gary Swenson, Councilman: Chris Taffe, and Clerk/Treasurer: Joan Kerkvliet.

The City Clerk/Treasurer shall from time to time, ascertain that adequate security as required by the laws of the State of Minnesota, is furnished by such depository to protect the City’s deposited funds against financial loss.

Planning Commission

Planning Commission meets at 9 am on the first Tuesday of each month.  Meetings are held at the Starbuck Community Center 307 East 5th Street, Starbuck MN.

In the future the Planning and Zoning will be starting work on a Comprehensive Plan for the city.  If you are interested in being on that committee please contact Tiffany Holten at

Planning and Zoning Committee

1. Michelle Knutson - Chair

2.  Brett Bowser - Vice-Chair

3. Tom Asmus

4.  Bonnie Rasche

5. Vacant