MDH Notification of Accessibility of the Service Line Materials Inventory - Starbuck

MDH Notification of Accessibility of the Service Line Materials Inventory
City of Starbuck

Notice to Starbuck Residents:
City of Starbuck has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at You may also contact us at the Starbuck City Office by calling 320-239-2525 for more information. To complete the service line inventory, our system utilized inspection data collected for the 2014 Citywide Water Meter Changeout Project to Radio Read (AMR) Metering to determine the status of service lines. As of 10/01/2024, our inventory contains 3 lead, 38 galvanized requiring replacement, 295 unknown material, and 374 non-lead service lines. On October 30, 2024, the City of Starbuck mailed letters to property owners with service lines identified as LEAD, GALVANIZED, of UNKNOWN that includes additional information with further instructions. Please contact the Starbuck City Office at 320-239-2525 with any questions.

Posted: 10/30/2024